November 1, 2021

How to Plan a Maternity Leave as a Solopreneur

By Six Degrees Society

I always thought I’d be at a corporate office for my maternity leave. I envied my past colleagues who took 3+ months off and had a temp fill their role while they were gone loving their new addition. Plus, the US doesn’t have mandated and paid maternity leave so as an entrepreneur that’s a whole other conversation. 

So, here I am and not in a corporate setting and figuring out maternity leave with a small team and only one me. #WorkingParentsproblem

Thoughts of worry swirl around, like: 

“How does coaching and masterminding continue without me?” 

“If people only care about me at events, what will they do if I’m not there?”

Am I the special sauce that keeps things going?” 

If anything, planning a maternity leave has been one of the greatest gifts for my business. Here’s what I’ve learned and hope everyone can help implement into their businesses ASAP. 

Your Skills Can Be Duplicated

This was probably the hardest part to swallow, but I realized that I’m not as important in the equation as I had thought before. So, with good planning and documentation, your skills can be duplicated and developed for members of your team. 

Time Off Is Important

I’ve talked to moms that have taken 1 week off or jumped right in after birth, but the consensus has been that their businesses did not flounder taking this time off for them and their baby. 

Pre-Planning is Key

We’ve been working hard at getting our work done in advance. For instance recording podcasts, creating social media posts, discussing strategy, writing newsletters. Doing all of these things in advance so that we can schedule them without working while juggling a baby. 

It’s Ok To Hit Pause

If you are alone and you don’t feel comfortable delegating big things, it’s ok to hit pause on your business for a few months. Three months will fly by. 

Whether you plan your maternity leave or work right on through it, do what is right for you. I want to know, do you have any tips that made taking time off work easier?

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